Retaining Walls in Maryland
A retaining wall is a structure that is designed to help your lawn resist the pressure that all of the tons of dirt can put on it. Each retaining wall supports a specific “wedge” of soil, and the angle at which the wall is placed will decide how big the wedge it supports is. Here at Vin’s Total Care Landscaping, we’ve had a lot of experience installing and repairing retaining walls and wanted to take some time today to talk about the benefits they can provide to your lawn.

Prevents Erosion
Retaining walls are usually built on hilly lawns that have drainage issues, and can help prevent your yard from eroding away. Since building or adjusting a retaining wall will affect the natural flow of water, you may need to get approval from your local authorities or your homeowner’s association before you start digging.
Make Sure to Start with a Good Foundation
Just like any other kind of structure, your retaining wall will only stand the test of time if it’s built on top of a strong foundation. A good way to provide your wall with a stable foundation is to dig a trench and fill it with crushed rocks. The higher you plan on building your retaining wall, the deeper you should dig your trench. Consult with a professional Maryland landscaping company to discuss your retaining wall options.