Winter is almost over and that means spring is just around the corner. Spring is a beautiful time of year. We get more sunlight, rain comes to nourish the ground, flowers start to bloom, and birds start to sing. Your landscape, which has likely laid dormant since late fall, is ready for your care so that it can flourish throughout the upcoming warm seasons.

Here are some helpful tips for getting your home’s landscape ready for spring:
Watch Out for Pests
It isn’t just plantlife that begins to appear when the weather gets warmer and the sun comes out. Insects, wildlife, and stray animals can all cause damage to your landscape, so it’s important to know what local pests to keep an eye out for. If you’re considering planting a garden this spring, think about adding a fence or wire mesh around the perimeter to deter wildlife like rabbits and squirrels that may try to eat your fruits and veggies.
Do Your Research
It can be tempting to go a bit wild with your planting plans once the temperatures begin to warm up, but it’s important to research the plants you want to grow before dropping seeds in the ground. There are certain plants that do much better when planted in the summer or early fall, while others tend to thrive when planted immediately after the cold temperatures disappear in spring.
Tend to the Lawn
If there are any remaining leaves or debris from the previous seasons that are still laying on your lawn, rake and remove them promptly. You’ll need a clear lawn before you treat your grass for spring growth. Fill in bare spots with grass seed and apply a fertilizer that works best for your local climate and grass type.
Start Weed Prevention
If crabgrass is prominent in your area, there are herbicides you can purchase to keep these and other weeds from sprouting or spreading throughout your lawn. Pre-emergent herbicides help to prevent germination of unwanted seeds that may have found their way to your lawn last fall or this winter.
Monitor the Rainfall
Maryland weather during the spring brings plenty of rain, which is typically sufficient for your plants and lawn. Because of the natural nourishment your landscape will be receiving in the coming months, it’s not often necessary to do any extra watering with the hose. However, weather can always vary so it’s helpful to monitor or track the amount of rainfall your yard gets and make efforts to get your lawn and plant life the moisture it needs when rain isn’t as plentiful as it should be.
Get a Beautiful Landscape Without the Hard Work
Your life is busy. Don’t sacrifice relaxation time for yardwork this spring! The experts at Vin’s Total Care Landscaping, LLC are here to take care of all of your lawn and landscaping needs all year long. Contact us today to learn more about our Maryland landscaping services and rest assured your lawn will be the envy of the block this spring.