Spring is here in Maryland and the temperatures are starting to rise, the last little bit of snow has melted, and homeowners are finally starting to think about their lawn.
Now is a good time to consider overseeding that lawn, so that it stays lush and beautiful all summer.
But when is the best time to overseed? Is it too late? Too early? Let’s look at overseeding more closely to better understand why, when, and how to do it.
What is Overseeding?
Overseeding is spreading new grass seed, oftentimes a different variety, over your existing lawn. There are many reasons why this helps improve the quality and appearance of your lawn. For one, seeding with a different type of grass will help protect your lawn from disease. In addition, some grasses survive better in cooler temperatures, and other in hotter, dryer temperatures. By overseeding your lawn with a different type of grass can ensure your grass looks good for as long as possible. In addition, by adding more seed to your lawn, you’ll create a thicker, more lush grass that is more resistant to weeds. Having thick, healthy grass can reduce weeds, reduce disease, and make your lawn look a step above.
When Should I Spread Seed?
But when is the best time to spread new seed? That partly depends on what type of grass you’ll be planting. Some grass thrives in slightly cooler temperatures, and benefits most from being sewn in the fall. Many other types of grass do better being planted in the spring.
The question is more, which type of grass should I get, than when should I spread the seed. If you are planning to spread some grass seed now in the spring, just look for varieties that say to be spread in the spring. Now is the best time to add some more grass to your lawn, as a thicker lawn will help prevent weeds from taking hold as the temperatures rise.
If you are unsure how you can take your lawn to the next level, and you think spreading new grass seed would make a big difference, call us at Vin’s Total Care Landscaping today to talk about your options. Our team can seed your lawn with climate and season appropriate grass seed to ensure your lawn looks lush and healthy all summer. Call us today to talk about your Catonsville, MD lawn care needs!