Spring is right around the corner here in Maryland and you may be anxious to start planning your garden. But when you plant is just as important as what you plant when it comes to the success of your flowerbeds.Let’s take a look at the best things to plant early in the year so that you can ring in the Springtime at long last!
Primrose have a beautiful flower ranging in color from white to yellow that bloom during the spring and summer. Primrose is a great option for many homeowners because they are very hearty and tolerate a wide range of conditions. Primrose don’t seem to have any trouble with very damp soil, which makes them do well during Maryland springs when it is rainy and wet a good bit of the time. Where primrose are planted is dependant mostly on the amount of sun and shade you have in your yard, as well as the average summer temperature. In very hot climates they do best in partial shade, while in more moderate climates they can tolerate full sun.
Bluebells are a beautiful addition to any garden. In contrast to the yellow and pink flowers of spring, bluebells offer a pop of periwinkle and blue to your garden. Bluebells don’t bloom for as long as the primrose, but they are gorgeous all the same and make a great addition to your garden for spring, while allowing for other blooms in summer.
Creeping Phlox
Creeping Phlox is much more attractive than it’s name, adding a low lying flowering plant to your garden. These beautiful purple and white blooms are easy to grow and will tolerate a wide variety of growing conditions. As its name suggests, creeping phlox creeps, meaning it has a tendency to spread, making it a great option for large areas. The blooms of creeping phlox last just for a short while in the spring, but during the summer months it offers ground coverage that requires very little maintenance, making it a great option for steep hills or other areas you’d rather not have to mow.
Bleeding Hearts
Bleeding hearts are one of the most interesting and beautiful spring flowers you can add to your garden. Unlike the other flowers described above, bleeding heart blooms hang from a branch, rather than grow on a stem. These blooms are a deep pink color with a white center and grow in the shape of a, you guessed it, heart. Bleeding hearts are not quite as hearty or easy to care for as other plants, but they are well worth it for their beautiful and unique appearance.
If you’d like to add some color to your yard this spring and summer, give us at Vin’s Total Care Landscaping a call. We can help you design the perfect flower beds for your needs by selecting the best flowers for your yard and your desired maintenance level. We are a landscaping company in Catonsville, MD who takes great pride in our work, and we’d love to help you take great pride in your lawn.